Help Center
Cancel your subscription
If you no longer need unlimited documents or multiple User Licences, then you can cancel your subscription.
At the end of your billing period, your account will be placed into a read-only mode where you will be able to download your documents and the associated versions but will not be able to use any of the features of Simul.
If you are on a Squad, Team or Custom plan and have assigned User Licences to other team members, those licences will be revoked. Your team members’ accounts will also be placed into read-only mode and they will be able to download their documents and the associated versions but will not be able to use any of the features of Simul.
If you wish to cancel your subscription, follow the instructions below:
How to downgrade your account
To cancel your subscription, follow these steps:
1. Login to Simul, go to the User Menu and select ‘Settings’
Login to your Simul account and navigate to the Settings section of the application by clicking the arrow next to your name in the top right corner, and then selecting the ‘Settings’ option.
Once in the Settings section, select ‘Subscription’ from the left hand menu.
2. Cancel subscription
The cancellation section is at the bottom of the ‘Subscription’ page as per the screenshot below.
Once you click the ‘You can cancel your subscription here’ link a popup will appear asking you to confirm the action. Select ‘Cancel Subscription’
4. Cancellation complete
Once you have selected ‘Cancel Subscription’ then your existing paid plan will be cancelled and you will not be billed anymore.
At the end of your billing period, your account will be placed into a read-only mode where you will be able to download your documents and the associated versions but will not be able to use any of the features of Simul.
If you are on a Squad, Team or Custom plan and have assigned User Licences to other team members, those licences will be revoked. Your team members’ accounts will also be placed into read-only mode and they will be able to download their documents and the associated versions but will not be able to use any of the features of Simul.
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