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Adding Members
Simul offers the most value when working on a document with more than one author. You can share a document with anyone simply by adding their email address. If they are not a member of Simul, they will be sent an email inviting them to register.
On your document console, select the document you wish to share. Your document will look similar to below:
You will be taken to the document versions page. Click on the area where it shows members in the top right corner
You will see a list of members who already have access to the document. The members will have access as per one of the following:
- Contributor – The user will be able to edit the document and create major / minor versions
- Owner – The same as above; plus the user will be able to share the document with other users
- Viewer – Users can only see major versions of the document and can’t make any modifications
To invite a new member to collaborate on the document, select the “Invite a new member” button near the top left corner of the screen:
You will see a pop-up similar to the following:
Enter the email address of the user you wish to invite. This can be any email address; if the user is not a member they will be sent an invitation email.
Select either “Owner”, “Contributor” or “Viewer” and press “Invite”.
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